Farnham Pictures

Click photo for an enlarged
view of the antenna layout
It all happens here. |

What it looks like up the tower! |

G8PLL admiring the view from the tower in 1997.

Mark and Paul fixing the tower in 2008.

GB3FN (right), cavity filters, and control box |

On the left, GB3FM, then the frequency
standards,then the 70cm filters.
Below, the duplexer that has been used for
GB3FM: now only the RX section is used.
The home made cavity is also on 23cm in
the GB3FM transmit leg.
The inside of GB3FX with all screening covers in place.
RX, TX and preamp on left, PSU, logic and control box
interface on right. |

GB3FX, with original Heliax filters and control box (with
mould!) |

The new helical filter duplex on GB3FX, donated by G4XRV |

The guardians of the site... |

...with their king sized leader... |

... who are encouraged by a floor that's
not the driest in the world.... |

...even with an automatic pump that does its best to get rid
of the water...

...which comes in because we are surrounded
by our own, personal moat! |
The beacons being installed. 5.7GHz is
on the right, 47GHz on the left.

The view from the tower towards the North East. |
The site in 2019. At least the trees that touched it
at one time have been cut back. |

And what the site looked like in 1982 when the original
antenna was installed. Look - no trees! Photo:
G8KSM. |
Four Marks Pictures
 The site equipment: repeater and filters |

The new (2015)
Tx antenna. |
The repeater with its covers
...and exposed with them
and TX on the left,
and tone stuff, logic unit and control box interface on
right |

The twin
antennas, 4.5dBd on left and 6dBd on right