GB3FM - GB3FN - GB3FNM - GB3FRS - GB3FX - GB3SN WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP TRANSMITTINGThe group constantly struggles to fund the continued operation of the Beacons and Repeaters. Membership income is vital but falls far short of the running costs which are sustained by donations and fund raising activities. If you are a user, please help support us to keep these services running. All the Beacons and Repeaters are wholly operated by the Farnham VHF Group, which exists solely to operate them for the amateur community. Annual operating costs are:
Joining the group costs only £10 per year for those between 18 and retiring age, in full time employment and not registered disabled. £5 per year for all others. Additionally, any donations are welcome; £5 keeps the repeaters on air for another day! You can make a donation or renew your membership using this link to PayPal or simply send any donation to treasurer@farnhamvhfgroup.com on PayPal. To become a supporter, please send your subscription and/or donation together with your; Name Address Callsign email address and/or phone number(s) to our Public Relations Officer. For contact details use this 'Contact Us' link or the link in the menu. Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to 'The Farnham VHF Group'. We have recently added PayPal as a method of paying subscriptions and an on-line membership form is in preperation for new members. Existing members are welcome to renew their membership using this link to PayPal. Donations of surplus equipment that we can sell for group funds are also most welcome.
We usually display the callsign of each member on the supporters page of this website but are happy to withold this if you wish. Please make it clear when you join (or at any future time) if you would prefer your callsign not be displayed. Personal information will not be released outside the group unless required by law. We ocassionally issue group newsletters via email but once again will respect any request to opt-out from receiving these communications. Any question may be sent to the Repeater Keeper/Chairman G4EPX (QTHR 2005 callbook on) or use this 'Contact Us' link or the link in the menu. The group usually meets four times a year with an AGM in November or December. at: The Hop Blossom, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, Surrey. (Car parks off Long Garden Way - GU9 7HX for SatNav) However, the schedule is rather variable so if you are not receiving emails from us check for news on GB3FN or GB3FX. All are welcome to come along. New members can be given site tours at no extra charge! |