- The club shall be known officially as The Farnham VHF Group
Amateur Radio Society, more generally The Farnham VHF Group and
hereinafter as the Group.
- The aims of the Group shall be to further the interests of its
members in all aspects of amateur radio and directly associated
- The Group is a not for profit organisation administered by
unpaid volunteers.
- All funds raised are to be used for the provision of and
promotion of amateur radio and directly associated activities
for the benefit of the membership and the community at large.
- The Group will promote self-training and knowledge of amateur
radio throughout the community.
- The Group will endeavour to provide repeater and beacon
equipment for use by members and non-members.
- The Group will endeavour to provide communication capacity for
any authorised user in civil emergency.
- The Group shall meet at regular intervals at a time and place
decided by the committee.
- Dissolution of the Group shall be by a three-quarter majority
of the voting members.
- Membership shall be open to all interested persons at the
discretion of the committee. Application for membership by those
16 years of age or younger will require the approval of a parent
or guardian.
- The Annual Subscription shall be decided by the committee.
- Members shall retain their powers of voting for a period of
three months after their subscription expires.
- The Committee may terminate the membership of any member who
they consider to have acted in a manner detrimental to the Group
or Amateur Radio without giving reason.
- The Committee shall have the power to grant Honorary
- Every member shall be given a copy of the constitution.
- The groups affairs shall be administered by a Committee in
whom the groups property shall be vested.
- The Committee shall comprise of the following officers;
- Chairman / Chairwoman.
- Secretary.
- Treasurer.
- Public Relations Officer.
- Special Events Organiser.
- The duties of these officers will be as follows;
- The Chairman / Chairwoman will be responsible for the
conduct of meetings.
- The Secretary will be responsible for the recording of
minutes of meetings, production of newsletters and any group
- The Treasurer will be responsible for the running of the
Groups financial affairs.
- The Public Relations Officer will be responsible for
membership recruitment, records, publicity and
representation of the Group to other bodies.
- The Special Events Organiser will be responsible, along
with assistants selected by the Committee if necessary, for
organising special events.
- A quorum for voting purposes in the Committee shall be three.
- Minutes shall be kept of all Committee meetings and
Sub-Committee meetings.
- Should a Committee member not attend four consecutive
Committee meetings they shall be deemed to have tendered their
resignation to the Committee, which the Committee may accept or
reject at their discretion.
- On the loss of a Committee member, a stand-in shall be
appointed by the Committee until a successor can be elected.
- The Group will keep a record of email and postal addresses and
other information provided by members necessary to the efficient
management of the business of the group.
- All constitutionally required written communication to members
shall be sent to the email address on record or to the postal
address if specific ally requested.
- Members' information may be held on computer files for use by
the committee for Group administration purposes only.
- The committee undertake to hold private any member's personal
details and not to release to any third-party except as may be
required by law.
- Each member's call sign may be shown on the group website
supporters page unless otherwise requested.
- Members may request full details of any personal information
held about them by the Group and such a request will be answered
within 14 days.
- Former members and any resigning members may request the group
delete any personal information held about them and such a
request will be acknowledged and complied with as far as
reasonable within 14 days.
- There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at which the
Groups accounts shall be presented.
- The AGM shall be held within six weeks of the end of the
Groups financial year.
- Every member shall be notified in writing as per section C9
above at least 14 days before the meeting.
- The complete Committee shall retire at the AGM. Nominations
for all Committee positions will be accepted between
notification of the AGM and the start of the meeting.
- The AGM shall be chaired by the retiring Chairman. Full
minutes shall be taken by the retiring Secretary.
- Should there be no nominations for the post of Chairman, the
retiring Chairman shall remain in office.
- The voting for Committee members shall be by secret ballot and
be decided by simple majority. In the event of a tie, a second
ballot will be taken with the voting just for the tie holders.
- All members shall have one vote for each committee position.
- All Group fixed assets shall be accounted for at the AGM.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the
Committee or by at least 10 members of the Group giving notice
in writing to the Secretary, stating the purpose of the meeting.
- Only business for which the EGM was called shall be discussed.
- Every member shall be notified in writing as per section C9
above at least 14 days before the meeting.
- The constitution may be changed by a two thirds majority of
the members at the EGM.
- Full minutes of the EGM shall be kept by the Secretary.
- An EGM must be held within six weeks of being called for, the
time and place to be chosen by the Committee.
- The Groups financial year shall commence from the date of the
first AGM.
- The Groups funds shall be kept in such accounts as are
approved by the committee.
- All payments (except as in F.4) shall be authorised or signed
for by at least two of the following Committee members;
- Chairman
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- The Treasurer shall be entitled to pay Electricity, Site
Rental, Insurance and any other recurring bill or charge as has
been previously agreed by the Committee.
- All other expenditure shall be approved by the Committee
before it is incurred, unless the expenditure on any one item
exceeds £100 when it shall be referred to the members present
at a general meeting.
- In the event of the dissolution of the Group the following
will take place;
- The Groups assets will be auctioned at an EGM.
- The Committee will make the necessary arrangements to
clear any outstanding bills from the Groups funds.
- The total remaining funds shall be divided equally amongst
the members and the accounts closed.