Operating Practices for using Repeaters
We are sometimes asked what are good practices for operators when
using repeaters - and
sometimes hear one operator complaining about some aspect of
another's operating.
As a group, we cannot dictate how anyone operates through the
repeaters, and we all must
remember that all repeaters are open for use by all licenced
Amateurs, provided that they
operate within the terms and conditions of their licences.
It is also worth remembering
that getting wound up by someone else causes stress - and
sometimes it's best to simply
ignore (or change channel for a bit!)
However here are some thoughts which we would recommend that users
bear in mind.
All repeaters are there for the benefits of many users, and so
we should all give others
a chance to break in, especially in busy times. The main
function of the timeout is
as an incentive to keep overs from going on for too long, and to
ensure that a break is left
at reasonable intervals. The one second wait for a K or
tone pip provides an
opportunity for others to break in, but it is a good idea to
occasionally leave a longer
break to make sure that there is enough time for someone who
needs to jump in to have
an opportunity to do so.
Repeaters were originally justified to provide mobile coverage,
as mobile to mobile range
on VHF and UHF can be very limited. Fixed stations are welcome
to use the repeaters,
and repeaters provide a good means for stations to keep in touch
over long distances.
However fixed stations should always be careful to leave
breaks to allow mobiles
to call in and use the repeaters - it can be easier to lose
track of time when sitting in the
shack and starting to get into rag chewing mode. The
timeout should act as a
reminder, and stations who often hit the timeout should think
about talking less and
leaving more or longer breaks as part of their normal operating
If the stations in a QSO can hear each other on the input
channel, then think about
getting off the repeater and moving to a simplex channel,
leaving the repeater free for
other users. In these days of multiband rigs and antenna,
maybe another band
would provide a simplex opportunity?
If a repeater is busy, remember that there are two others on
different bands on site -
you might be able to move your QSO to one of the others.
For example, 6m
has even better coverage than 70cm, and is generally
quieter. 23cm is a lot
quieter still.
Callsigns should be given with sufficient frequency - and
clarity - that listeners can
identify you. This does not mean that it's necessary to
give everyone's callsign
at the beginning and end of each transmission - this in itself
can be a complete waste
of airtime. However if overs are stretching to minutes
long, then it is courteous
to give your own callsign at the beginning and end of your
transmission. If you
are operating break in, then obviously it is much more efficient
to only identify every
few overs. As a general rule though, the '15 minute rule'
is probably too
infrequent for most repeater operation - a mobile operator can
drive a fair distance
in 15 minutes (if he or she is lucky with the traffic,
anyway). Periodic use of
the recognised phonetic alphabet can help as well (although some
phonetics don't always help give clarity). It is also good
operating practice
for mobile stations to periodically give their location.
Finally, please give a thought for group members who have to
carry out engineering
on the repeaters. After a trek through rain and mud to
reach the site for some
engineering activity, we are usually very keen to get on with
whatever job is at
hand. It is therefore very helpful if users could put
their QSOs on hold if
requested by the repeater engineers. Also remember that we
have the off
switch to hand...